Sprint 4 (mid sprint)
Sprint report for DHSC PIM Sprint 4 (mid sprint)
What we did last week
- Research outputs to date
- Design iterations for next round of testing (data consumers)
- Add back-end for flag/request in prototype
- Design a data model for representing data provenance
- Decide approach for data engineering pipeline
- Content questions for UR
- Get list of GMDN categories that look like single attributes with multiple values
- Content iterations of prototype
- Import full GAMINE data (including hierarchies!)
- Understand GMDN license agreement
- Output - outlining manufacture incentives
- Sorting of search results in the prototype, especially by manufacturer
- Authz requirements for PIM users
- Graphic for data collection workflows to show manufacturers
What we’re planning to do this week
- Investigate de-duplicating products
- Explore design approaches to data maintenance
- Get RC service map and data flows from MHRA [Waiting from 13/06/2024]
- Identity - identify users to PIM, can we re-use existing MHRA structures to allow NHS and manufacturing users to log in?
- Import full GMDN data (including hierarchies!)
- Plan manufacturer workshop for Sprint 5
- Draft design for a cloud architecture
- Appraise NHS Supply Chain
- Develop prototypes for data maintenance options
- Assess how we need to protect from or mitigate fraudulent or malicious activity
- Plan manufacturer workshop for Sprint 4
- Identify best approach to API provision
First prototype for data maintenance. In progress
Get better data for analysis and prototyping In progress
These are our currently identified risks and issues
- [Risk] Access to data
- [Risk] Differing Visions of what’ we’re doing (Beta, proof of concept)
- [Issue] Different people building different overlapping systems
- [Risk] NHS trust infrastructure to be able to consume data from PIM
- [Issue] What constitutes a medical device? How can we decide what is included and excluded from PIM
- [Risk] Lack of Engagement from manufacturers in a maintenance process
- [Issue] Some comms teams won’t distribute calls for researchers in pre-election period.
- [Risk] Quality of Data - beyond our control
- [Risk] User availability
- [Risk] Final ownership
- [Risk] Consumer perception